March 23, 2013

  • (>~_~)>

    so today Carl and i went to play tennis and study afterwards for our next test next week.

    after tennis, we went to his house cus Carl needed to change. and his grandma was there asking me so many questions lol... one of them being "so did Carl meet your parents yet?" and i was like... "uuuhhh... well when i asked him to come help me with something, i also had to go pick something up from my parents.. so yea he has" xD.. Carl seemed so embarrassed lol.

    later, we went to paneras... and then we got hungry and found a vegetarian/vegan japanese place in concord. they can serve sushi w/ brown rice @.@.. whoa! lol [even tho Hang wouldnt like to eat brown rice lol..], but it was a lil bit pricey, but good! 

    then we went to starbucks to study, the one near concord's Nations.. it was soooo packed! i think since they close at 11:30pm.. and so we sat outside... but there were smokers and we were dying! eventually we went inside... and sat next to this physical therapist massager guy giving his client (who recently had a stroke) an arm massage and i was like, "hey where's mine?? *extends my arm* xD" but oh man, i shouldnt have opened my mouth cus this physical therapist was such a chatter box!!! @.@.... i feel like i know his life story and plus what his future is going to be like.. lol! but its cool. he wants to be a professional arm wrestler.. so he taught me how to arm wrestle better. and he mentioned that im pretty strong for a girl :D lol!

    anyways... im so thankful to Carl cus he fixed and added soooooo much to my ethics essay @.@.. he's so smart! i wish i could be as smart as him.. 

    what else happened recently.....hmmm...

    yesterday, Ivan (our other classmate), randomly asked me whens my break and what i wanted from Quickly's if he were to go there and drop the boba to me.. and then brought me boba and fried octopus from Quickly's. so sweet! i mean, i mentioned he owes me boba since he stuck me twice for the IV needle.. but i thought we were just kidding around about that. and he stayed around for my whole 25 min break. i was thinking, is he up to something?? >.>.... or maybe he really is just being a cool friend lol!

Comments (3)

  • lol everyone's always up to something :P

  • but yeah dude, u are strong

  • ^ lol at the second comment

    hahahaha wow sounds like an interesting guy (the arm wrestler)yeah starbucks and nations is always packed there. you crazy for trying to study there! lol!
    whattt, how do they do the brown rice? isnt it dry tho? or do they make it all vinegary like the regular white sushi rice? you shoulda asked if they had black rice! haha.  they seem like a restaurant that might b/c they even have brown rice and are all vegan.. crazy! im so curious on wht vegan sushi tastes like!!

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